Charter Oak Maduro Gordo
Charter Oak Cigars feature some of the most prized and sought after Cuban seed leaf varieties from the exquisite Esteli and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua.
The cigars are wrapped in a silky, beautiful Connecticut broadleaf wrapper and a Sumatran binder for a balanced medium bodied smoke. leaving you with the perfect every day and every occasion cigar.
Charter Oak Maduro Gordo
Charter Oak Cigars hail from the same fertile valley in Connecticut that native son and Master Blender Nick R Agua aka Nick Melillo was born and raised. Charter Oak Cigars feature some of the most prized and sought after Cuban seed leaf varieties from the exquisite Esteli and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua.
Charter Oak also pays tribute to Melillo’s grandfather, who while earning a modest salary working for the Winchester Repeating Arms factory after WWII, smoked exclusively broadleaf cigars manufactured by FD Graves on State St.
A Fertile Valley
The 12th century on a plot located on what is now downtown Hartford. Native Americans, who cultivated tobacco nearby long before settlers, held councils beneath its massive branches. The tree is actually mentioned in Dutch Explorer, Adrian Block’s journey guidebook in 1608. By the mid-1600s, the plot was parceled and a farm was built with the agreement that the local tribe could share this sacred tree. In 1662 King Charles II issued a Royal Charter to the Connecticut Colony granting an unusual degree of autonomy. However, when his successor, James II appointed an English Governor-General to reclaim the Charter, it was hidden in what became known as Charter Oak, one of our country’s greatest symbols of American Independence.
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